
   Adds x,y,z coordinate axes to a figure.

   Specify the size, location, and orientation of the axes. 
   A label may be given which will be prepended to the axis labels
   h = AddAxes( m, r, T,  h, c, label )

   m             (1)     Length of all coordinate axes 
                             (optional, default 1)
   r            (3,1)    Vector indicating the origin of the axes 
                             (optional, default [0;0;0] )
   T             (1)     Transformation matrix 
                             (optional, default identity)
                             Note: a quaternion may be supplied instead
   h             (1)     Figure handle 
   c             (1)     Color scheme for x, y, z
                           1 - Blue, Green, Red
                           2 - Black, Cyan, Magenta
                           or a single color, 'r', 'b'
                             (optional, default 1)
   label         (:)     Text label to add to axes labels

   h             (1)     Figure handle



Common: General/IsVersionAfter
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat