
   Creates a closed loop system.

   Creates a closed loop system given the plant [a,b,c] and the
   controller [ac,bc,cc,dc]. Every output of the controller has
   a corresponding input in the plant and yc(i) = u(i), etc.

   Since version 1.
   [at, bt, ct, dt] = CLoopS( a, b, c, ac, bc, cc, dc )
   [at, bt, ct, dt] = CLoopS( a, b, c, k )

   a             (2n,2n)  Plant matrix
   b             (2n, n)  Input matrix
   c             ( n,2n)  Output matrix
   ac            (2n,2n)  Controller plant matrix
   bc            (2n, n)  Controller input matrix
   cc            ( n,2n)  Controller output matrix
   dc            ( n, n)  Controller feedthrough matrix


   k             ( n, n)  Gain matrix

   at            (2n,2n)  System plant matrix
   bt            (2n, n)  System input matrix
   ct            ( n,2n)  System output matrix
   dt            ( n,2n)  System feedthrough matrix
