
   Compute faces and vertices for a sector patch. 
   The sector origin is at the point r0. One edge of the sector is pointed
   along the unit vector u1. The other edge is along the unit vector u2.
   The sector patch is computed as a set of triangles with length "scale"
   that bridge the two vectors.
   Type SectorPatch for a demo
   [f,v] = SectorPatch( r0, u1, u2, scale )

   r0      (3,1)   Origin of sector
   u1      (3,1)   Unit vector for one edge
   u2      (3,1)   Unit vector for other edge
   scale   (1,1)   Scale defines length (radius) of sector

   f       (:,3)   Faces
   v       (:,3)   Vertices



Common: Graphics/NewFig
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/Unit