Computes a unit vector offset from v2 with origin at v1.
It creates a random coordinate system with v2-v1 as the +z axis.
cone is the angle from +z
clock is the angle from +x in the xy-plane. This function is useful
for creating a set of vectors but because the orientation of x and y
is random you cannot externally specify the clock angle definition.
Type UnitVectorFromOffset for a demo.
Since version 8.
u = UnitVectorFromOffset
u = UnitVectorFromOffset( v1, v2, cone )
u = UnitVectorFromOffset( v1, v2, cone, clock )
v1 (3,1) Origin
v2 (3,1) Vector from which the offset is calcuated
cone (1,1) Cone angle of the offset
clock (1,1) Clock angle of the offset
u (3,1) Unit vector with offset
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/Unit