   Model of continuously-stirred tank reactors in series
   xDot = RHSCSTR( x, t, d )

   x           (4,1) State [CA1;T1;CA2;T2]
   t           (1,1) Time
   d           (1,1) data structure
                     .q    (1,1) Flow rate 
                     .qC   (1,1) Coolant flow rate (control)
                     .cAF  (1,1) Concentration of the feed
                     .tF   (1,1) Temperature of feed stream
                     .tCF  (1,1) Temperature of coolant stream
                     .v1   (1,1) Volume tank 2
                     .v2   (1,1) Volume tank 2
                     .k0   (1,1) 
                     .eOR  (1,1) E/R
                     .nDH  (1,1) Negative change in enthalpy
                     .rho  (1,1) Density 
                     .rhoC (1,1) Density of coolant
                     .cP   (1,1) Specific heat constant pressure
                     .cPC  (1,1) Specific heat const pressure of coolant
                     .hA1  (1,1) 
                     .hA2  (1,1) 
   xDot        (2,1) State derivative

   Reference: Henson, M. A. and D. E. Seborg. (1997.) Nonlinear Process 
              Control, Prentice-Hall. pp. 198-199.