
Path: ACPro/ACPointMass

% Compute a linear model for a point mass aircraft at a flight condition.

   At each time step k, a linearized model of the open-loop aircraft
   dynamics is generated using APMLinMod. This continuous model is then
   discretized at a sampling time equal to the current time step, t(k+1)-t(k).

   The process is repeated to generate a matrix-form expression that
   describes the 

   State:     x = [V;gama;psi;x;y;h;Tbar]
     V     true airspeed
     gama  air relative flight path angle
     psi   air relative flight heading angle
     x     East position
     y     North position
     h     altitude
     Tbar  normalized excess thrust

   Control:   u = [Lbar;phi;Tcbar]
     Lbar    normalized excess lift
     phi     bank angle
     Tcbar   normalized excess thrust command
   [A,B] = APMLinMod( x, u, tau, g );

   x       (7,1)    State trajectory
   u       (3,1)    Control input trajectory
   tau      (1)     Time constant for engine response
   g        (1)     Acceleration due to gravity (default 9.81)

   A       (7,7)    State transition matrix (continuous time)
   B       (7,3)    Control effect matrix (continuous time)


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