Path: ACPro/ACPerformance
% Computes the equilibrium thrust and wing area. This function determines the required thrust and wing area to balance the drag and gravity forces at any flight condition. You can enter flight path angle, altitude, mach number and the drag data structure. gamma, h, and m can be vectors. The drag data structure can be an array to enter different wing characteristics for segments of the wing, for example in a double delta wing. Type AircraftEquilibrium for a demo. Since version 5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [thrust, s] = AircraftEquilibrium( mass, gamma, h, m, d ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ mass (1,1) Mass (kg) gamma (1,:) Flight path angle (rad) h (1,:) Altitude (m) m (1,:) Mach number d (:) Drag data structure (See LiftAndDrag) ------- Outputs ------- thrust (1,:) Thrust s (1,:) Wing area -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also LDDeltaWing --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: ACDesign/AircraftDragDataStructures ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/LDDeltaWing Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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