Path: ACPro/ACPerformance
% Create masses for an aircraft. You pass in the subsystem name and the aircraft mass. As shown in the demo, you need to iterate on the function as you build up the aircraft mass. Type AircraftGroupMass for a demo which just calls AircraftGroupMassStatement. Since version 4 (ACT). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: m = AircraftGroupMass( group, MTOM, p ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ group (1,:) Group name MTOM (1,1) Takeoff mass (kg) p (1,1) Data structure for the aircraft ------- Outputs ------- m (1,1) Mass (kg) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Kundu, A., J. "Aircraft Design", Cambridge. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: ACDesign/AircraftGroupMassStatement
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