
Path: ACPro/ACPointMass

% Compute the control inputs for a point mass aircraft model. 

   State:     x = [V;gama;psi;x;y;h;Tbar]
     V     true airspeed
     gama  air relative flight path angle
     psi   air relative flight heading angle
     x     East position
     y     North position
     h     altitude
     Tbar  normalized excess thrust

   Control:   u = [Lbar;phi;Tcbar]
     Lbar    normalized excess lift
     phi     bank angle
     Tcbar   normalized excess thrust command
   Command:   cmd = [h;v;psi;x;y]
     h       altitude command (m)
     v       velocity command (true airspeed, m/s)
     psi     heading command (rad)
     x       eastward position (m)
     y       northward position (m)

   u = AircraftPointMassControl( x, xDot, cmd, cmdDot, Tcbar, data );

   x       (7,1)    State vector
   xDot    (7,1)    Time derivative of state vector
   cmd     (5,1)    Command vector
   cmdDot  (5,1)    Time derivative of command vector
   Tcbar    (1)     Current value of normalzed excess thrust command
   data             Data structure with fields:
                       a     Body-frame disturbance accel. (forward,x-track,normal)
                       W     Wind speeds (East,North,up)
                       g     Gravitatioanl acceleration
                       tau   Engine thrust response time

   u       (3,1)    Control input vector


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