Path: ACPro/ACThermal
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heat, velocity and temperature at a fixed dynamic pressure. Type DynamicPressureAndHeat for a demo at the Space Shuttle maximum dynamic pressure. Since version 2014.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Form: [v, t, qDot] = DynamicPressureAndHeat( h, l, qMax ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Inputs ------ h (1,:) Altitude (km) l (1,1) Initial flight path angle at h0 (rad) qMax (1,1) Maximum dynamic pressure ------- Outputs ------- v (1,:) Velocity (m/s) t (1,:) Temperature stagnation (deg-K) qDot (1,:) Heat flux (W/m^2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
AeroUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/TemperatureStagnation Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: Graphics/Plot2D
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