
Path: ACPro/ACPointMass

% 3D point aircraft model with time varying mass.

   If a time constant for a control is set to zero it will make the
   control and actual values the same and remove those states.

   d.thrust can be a scalar, in which case mDot = 0 or a function of the 

   [thrust, sFC] = d.thrust( mach, d, p );

   where p is the standard atmosphere model and d is the data for the
   engine model.

   This routine uses meters for distance. With numerical integration
   you just need the first output. The others are for getting 
   information about intermediate values.
   [sDot, D, L, rho, thrust, mach, q, iSp] = RHS3DPointAircraft( s, t, d )

   s   (7,1)   State [v;gamma;psi;x;y;h;m] (metric)
   t   (1,1)   Time (s) (unused)
   d    (.)    Data structure
               .mass       (1,1) Dry mass of the aircraft (kg)
               .s          (1,1) Reference area (m^2)
               .cDCL       (1,1) Lift and drag function or
                           (1,3) [cLAlpha, cD0, kInduced]
               .lDData      (.)  Data to be passed to cDCL
               .atmData     (.)  Data for StdAtm
               .alpha      (1,1) Angle of attack (rad)
               .phi        (1,1) Bank angle (rad)
               .thrust     (1,1) Thrust function pointer or thrust

   s      (7,1)    State derivative d[v;gamma;psi;x;y;h;gm]/dt
   D      (1,1)    Drag
   L      (1,1)    Lift
   rho    (1,1)    Density
   thrust (1,1)    Engine thrust
   q      (1,1)    Dynamic pressure
   iSp    (1,1)    Engine specific impulse



Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm

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