
Path: ACPro/Airbreathing

   Turbojet jet engine model producing thrust and specific fuel consumption. 

   Mass flow is assumed to be the maximum of either the flight Mach number
   or 0.5, the assumed Mach number at the exit of the diffusor. Call with
   no inputs and one output to get a default data structure.

   Type Turbojet for a demo.

   Since version 2014.1
 	[t, tSFC, tS, f] = Turbojet( m, d, p )
   d = Turbojet;

   m	(1,:)       Mach number
   d	(1,1)       Data structure for engine
                   .gamma     (1,1) Specific heat ratio of air
                   .cP        (1,1) Specific heat of air 
                   .qR        (1,1) Heating value of fuel
                   .pR        (1,1) Pressure ratio
                   .tT4       (1,1) Temperature at station 4
                   .mDiffusor (1,1) Mach number at diffusor exit
                   .aInlet    (1,1) Inlet area
                   .units     (1,:) 'english' or 'mks'
   p   (1,1)     Standard atmosphere

   t 	 (1,:)       Thrust
   tSFC (1,:)	     Thrust specific fuel consumption
   tS	 (1,:)       Specific thrust
   f    (1,:)       Fuel/air ratio

   Reference: Mattingly, "Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion,"
              McGraw-Hill, 1996, 2005, p.283


Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: Graphics/Plot2D

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