
   Compute the added mass/inertia factors for an airship hull.
   A double ellipsoid geometry is assumed. 
   For a single ellipsoid, a1 = a2.
   [k1, k2, kp] = AirshipInertiaFactors( a1, a2, b );

   a1          (1)       Semi-major axis of front ellipsoid   [m]
   a2          (1)       Semi-major axis of rear ellipsoid    [m]
   b           (1)       Semi-minor axis of each ellipsoid    [m]

   k1          (1)       Coefficient of added mass, axial
   k2          (1)       Coefficient of added mass, normal
   kp          (1)       Coefficient of added inertia, rotational

  Reference:   "Inertia Factors of Ellipsoids for use in Airship Design",
               NACA Report No. 210 by L.B. Tuckerman.
   Copyright 2003 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc.
   All rights reserved.