
   Simulate an airship in flight
   data = AirshipSim( d, x, T, dT, control );

   d              (.)    Aircraft data structure
   x              (:)    Initial state, class "acstate"
   T              (1)    Length of simulation (sec)
   dT             (1)    Optional. Time step (sec). Default is 0.1 sec.
   control        (.)    Optional. Control input data structure with
                         following fields, where integer N > T/dT.
                          - throttle  (1,N) Throttle command (0-1) 
                          - mu        (1,N) Thrust vector angle
                          - dELVL     (1,N) Left elevator deflection
                          - dELVR     (1,N) Right elevator deflection
                          - dRUDT     (1,N) Top rudder deflection
                          - dRUDB     (1,N) Bottom rudder deflection

   out            (.)    Recorded state data. Data structure with fields:
                          - t      Time (sec)
                          - lat    Latitude (deg) 
                          - long   Longitude (deg)
                          - alt    Altitude (km)
                          - V      Airspeed velocity (m/s)
                          - alpha  Angle of attack (deg)
                          - beta   Sideslip angle (deg)
                          - phi    Roll angle (deg)
                          - theta  Pitch angle (deg)
                          - psi    Heading angle (deg)
                          - p      Roll rate (deg/s)
                          - q      Pitch rate (deg/s)
                          - r      Yaw rate (deg/s)
                          - mass   Total mass, with all internal gas (kg)
                          - cG     Center of gravity location (m)



AC: ACDynamics/AC
AeroUtils: Coord/ECIToEF
AeroUtils: Coord/EFToLatLonAlt
Airships: Mass/AirshipMassModel
Airships: Simulation/AirshipInit
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeGUI
Common: Quaternion/Q2Eul
Common: Time/JD2000
Common: Time/JD2T
Common: Transform/IConvP
Math: Linear/Mag