Compute the aerodynamic force and torque for an airship at a range of
flight conditions. Results stored in mat-file for later analysis.
The force and torque due to buoyancy is included.
No controls are applied (zero throttle, zero deflections)
data = GenerateAirshipAeroMats( name, xo, h, theta, alpha, V );
name (:) Airship model name
xo (1) x-Location of body-frame origin [m] (from nose)
h (1) Altitude [m]
theta (1) Flight path angle [rad]
alpha (1,M) Range of Angle of attack values [rad]
V (1,N) Range of Velocity values [m/s]
data (.) Data structure with:
- name
- xo: x-location of origin
- h: altitude
- theta: flight path angle
- alpha: angle of attack (1xM vector)
- V: velocity (1xN vector)
- Fx: force in x-direction (MxN matrix)
- Fz: force in z-direction (MxN matrix)
- My: moment about y-axis (MxN matrix)
AC: Classes/@acstate/abs.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/acstate.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/get.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/length.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/minus.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/mrdivide.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/mtimes.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/plus.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/subsasgn.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/subsref.m
AC: Classes/@acstate/zeros.m
Airships: Mass/BuildAirshipMassModel
Airships: Modeling/BuildAirshipModel
Airships: Simulation/AirshipAero
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: General/DeleteSuffix