Generates default properties for specific devices.
This function can perform the following actions:
1. return a list of available device types
2. return a list of parameters used to define any specific device
3. return component data for the device when passed the needed parameters
The third form should only be used from within CreateComponent.
types = DeviceProperties
[p,g] = DeviceProperties( type )
m = DeviceProperties( type, m, properties, values, computeInertia )
type (1,:) Type
m (:) Component struct
properties {:} Property names
values {:} Property values
mass (:) Mass structure
types {:} List of all available device types
p (1,1) Properties data structure
g (1,1) Geometry fields
m (:) Updated component struct
.v Vertices
.f Faces
Common: CAD/Inertias
Common: ComponentModels/ArrayPatch
Common: ComponentModels/Box
Common: ComponentModels/CameraModel
Common: ComponentModels/Frustrum
Common: ComponentModels/GeomPatch
Common: ComponentModels/HallThrusterModel
Common: ComponentModels/NuclearReactorModel
Common: ComponentModels/REAModel
Common: ComponentModels/RWAModel
Common: ComponentModels/SingleAxisLinearDrive
Common: ComponentModels/StarCameraModel
Common: Coord/QZero
Common: General/MessageQueue
SC: Actuator/MagneticTorquer
SC: Actuator/RWA
SC: Actuator/SingleAxisDrive
SCPro: ProSensors/GPSReceiver