Create a mass budget for a flight vehicle.
The function uses the mass data structure which is
The type is the type of vehicle for computations.
If type is entered for a component it will look for a model. If there
are any models that depend on the total vehicle mass (such as landing
gear) the mass properties will be computed recursively
Available types
'military aircraft'
'commercial aircraft'
If fileName is entered it generates a file 'fileName.tex' with the
contents of a latex formatted table. You can add this directly to
your latex file.
If you type in MassBudget you will get results for a satellite
and aircraft example.
m = MassBudget( c, type, fileName, nIts )
c (:) Data structure
.name (1,:) Name of component
.type (1,:) Type of component
.mass (1,1) Mass of component
.inertia (3,3) Inertia of component
.pos (3,1) Position
.param (1,:) Parameters (varies with type)
.subsystem (1,:) Subsystem name
.compute (1,1) If 1 compute from a model
type (1,:) Type of vehicle for computed properties
fileName (1,:) File name for latex file
nIts (1,1) Number of iterations
m (1,1) Mass data structure with total mass
Common: CAD/AddMass
Common: CAD/Inertias
Common: CAD/MassBudgetInput
Common: ComponentModels/Box
Common: ComponentModels/Frustrum
Common: General/CreateLatexTable
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
Common: Math/Mag
SCPro: Systems/SatelliteSubsystemMass