Path: Common/Graphics
% NPlot generates a plot on which the ylabels are character strings. The y data is assumed to be integers with each integer corresponding to a label given in yLabels. Will generate a new figure if figTitle is entered. Any input, except yLabels and y may be []. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: NPlot( yLabels, y, x, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel, plotTitle, figTitle ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ yLabels Labels for the y-axis corresponding to integral values of y. y y-data x x-data xAxisLabel The x-axis label yAxisLabel The y-axis label plotTitle The plot title figTitle The figure title ------- Outputs ------- none --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS
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