
Path: Common/General

   Convert a structure into a cell array.
   Where columns of the array
   include both values and fieldnames. For example, the struct

   x.a = 1
   x.b.c = 2;
   x.b.d = 3;


   a  1
   b  c  2
   b  d  3

   The companion array m is

   1 0 1
   1 1 0
   1 1 0

   Where a 1 indicates that the cell is a field name.

   This function contains a recursive call. Therefore the depth of the
   structure must be less than the number of recursions.
   The struct may have one dimensional cells as elements.
   [y, m] = StructToCell2D( x )

   x	      (1,1)   Structure

   y        (:)    Cell Array
   m        (:)    Index matrix 1 = field, 0 = data


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