Add mass properties. The center of mass and inertia of every part are
defined with respect to a common coordinate system. By default, the
output coordinate system is the same as the common coordinate system
for each part. If "center" is set to 1, the output coordinate system is
moved to the system center of mass.
Type TotalMassProps to return the default data structure.
Since version 8.
m = TotalMassProps( mA );
m = TotalMassProps( mA, center );
mA (:) Mass data structure array
.mass (1,1) Mass
.cM (3,1) Center-of-mass w.r.t. common frame
.inertia (3,3) Inertia matrix about common frame
center (1) Optional flag, default 0. Set to 1 to place output
coordinate system at system CM.
m (.) Mass data structure for total mass properties
.mass (1,1) Mass
.cM (3,1) Center-of-mass w.r.t. output frame
.inertia (3,3) Inertia matrix about output frame
mA (:) Mass data structure array. CM and inertia will be
updated to be defined with respect to system CM if
the "center" input is true.
Common: MassProperties/TransRotMassProps
Math: Linear/SkewSq