Translate and/or rotate the moment of inertia.
IP: principal moments of inertia
ICM: inertia matrix defined about arbitrary axes, at the CM
I0: inertia matrix defined about arbitrary axes, at an arbitrary point
* Compute IP from ICM
* Compute IP from I0
* Compute ICM from IP
* Compute ICM from I0
* Compute I0 from IP
* Compute I0 from ICM
Depending on which computation is performed, certain additional
information may be required:
* m (1,1) Mass
* rCM (3,1) Position of CM defined with respect to point 0
* T (3,3) Rotation matrix from "from" frame to "to" frame
Since version 8.
[I2,T] = TransRotInertia( I1, from, to, varargin )
[IP,T] = TransRotInertia( ICM, 'CM', 'P' )
[IP,T] = TransRotInertia( I0, '0', 'P', m, rCM )
[I2,T] = TransRotInertia( I1, from, to, varargin )
[I2,T] = TransRotInertia( I1, from, to, varargin )
[I2,T] = TransRotInertia( I1, from, to, varargin )
I1 (3,3) Input Inertia
from (:) Name of original frame. "P", "CM", or "0"
to (:) Name of original frame. "P", "CM", or "0"
-- required remaining inputs depend on from/to combination
m (1,1) Mass
rCM (3,1) Position of CM defined with respect to point 0
T (3,3) Rotation matrix from "from" frame to "to" frame
I2 (3,3) Output Inertia
T (3,3) Rotation matrix from "from" frame to "to" frame
Math: Linear/SkewSq