Path: Common/Graphics
% Generates a tree diagram. Type TreeDiagram for a demo. w is optional the defaults are: .name = 'Tree'; .width = 400; .fontName = 'Times'; .fontSize = 10; .linewidth = 1; .linecolor = 'r'; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: TreeDiagram( n, w, update, withTrackIDs ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ n {:} Nodes .parent (1,1) Parent .name (1,1) Number of observation .scan (1,1) Scan number w (1,1) Diagram data structure .name (1,:) Tree name .width (1,1) Circle width .fontName (1,:) Font name .fontSize (1,1) Font size update (1,1) If entered update an existing plot ------- Outputs ------- None --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/NewFig
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