
   Plot the trajectory that will result from a planned maneuver.
   Given the current state & the maneuver planned using this state, plot the
   trajectory throughout the maneuver and for an orbit after the final burn.

   Since version 7.
   [dElFinal,xHFinal] = CheckDeltaVs( state, maneuver, iD, nSPO, plotFlag );

   state            (.)   State data structure at time of maneuver planning
   maneuver         (.)   Maneuver data structure, computed using IterativeImpulsiveManeuver
   iD               (1)   Spacecraft ID to distinguish plots 
                             (optional, default is 1)
   nSPO             (1)   Number of simulation points per orbit 
                             (optional, default is 250)
   plotFlag         (1)   Flag -- create plots (1) or not (0) 
                             (optional, default is 1)

   dElFinal        (:,6)   Orbital element differences
   xHFinal         (6,:)   Hills frame position and velocity



FormationFlying: Dynamics/HillsEqns
FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccLawdensEqns
FormationFlying: Transformation/Hills2DeltaElem
Math: Trigonometry/UnwrapPhase
Orbit: OrbitCoord/El2Alfriend
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen
OrbitMiniToolbox: Support/M2Nu
SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2M
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El