Generate the initial orbital elements for a cluster of spacecraft given
the geometric goals and the reference orbital elements.
Since version 7.
[el, dEl, xH] = InitializeFormation( el0, goals );
el0 (1) Initial elments of the reference [Alfriend format]
goals (.) Geometric goals data structure of all relative
spacecraft with the following fields:
- y0 (1,N) along-track offset [km]
- aE (1,N) semi-major axis of relative ellipse [km]
- beta0 (1,N) angle on ellipse at perigee [rad]
- zInc (1,N) cross-track amplitude due to inclination diff [km]
- zLan (1,N) cross-track amplitude due to right ascen diff [km]
el (N+1,6) Orbital elements of all spacecraft [Alfriend format]
NOTE: First row is the reference element set
dEl (N,6) Orbital element differences of all relative spacecraft
xH (6,N) Hill's frame position and velocity of all relative
spacecraft [x;y;z; Vx;Vy;Vz] [km; km/s]
FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2Hills
FormationFlying: Transformation/Hills2DeltaElem
Orbit: OrbitCoord/El2Alfriend
Orbit: OrbitCoord/OrbElemDiff