
   Determine the target state on the desired trajectory that gives the minimum 
   time-weighted cost.

   Use the LPCircular control algorithm to compute the delta-v's associated with
   maneuvering from an initial state (x0) to a series of target states, which
   lie on a trajectory defined by the geometric goals (g). The target state 
   associated with the minimum time-weighted cost is returned.

   Since version 7.
   [xHF,nOrbMvr] = LPCircularTimeWeight( el0, xH0, goals, window, nSPO );

   el0               (1)  Initial orbital element set   [a,i,W,w,e,M]
   xH0              (6,1) Initial state in Hill's frame
   goals             (.)  Geometric goals data structure
   window            (.)  Maneuver time window data structure, containing:
                             - nOrbMin         Minimum number of orbits
                             - nOrbMax         Maximum number of orbits
                             - nManeuvers      Number of maneuvers to search over
                             - timeWeightExp   Time-weighting exponent
   nSPO              (1)  Number of samples to use for control vector
                           (per orbit of maneuver duration) 

   xHF              (6,1) Target Hills-frame state (at maneuver completion)
   nOrbMvr           (1)  Chosen maneuver duration (in orbits)


FormationFlying: LP/LPCircular
FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2Hills
FormationFlying: Utility/MeanAnom2TrueLat
FormationFlying: Utility/NOrbVector
FormationFlying: Visual/CostVis
Math: Linear/Mag
Orbit: OrbitCoord/El2Alfriend
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate