
   Plots ellipsoids given the ellipsoid centers and matrices 
   for 1 or 2 spacecraft. Selects nPlot points from the trajectory.
   Has a built-in demo. Ellipsoids are created with the same dimenensions
   in X and Z but elongating with time along Z.

   Since version 7.
   Plot3DEllipsoids( xhat, Shat, nPlot )

   xhat      {m}(3,n)      Ellipsoid centers, for both spacecraft
   Shat      {m}(3,3,n)    Ellipsoid size matrices, for both spacecraft
   nPlot           (p)     Number of ellipsoids to plot, defaults to 50



Common: Graphics/NewFig
FormationFlying: DataStructures/Geometry_Structure
FormationFlying: Dynamics/HillsEqns
FormationFlying: Transformation/TransformGeom2Hills
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate
SC: BasicOrbit/Period