
   Compute max. navigation error that maintains the specified performance.
   Find the maximum possible navigation error in relative velocity so that
   the specified deadband will NOT be reached in the specified time, with
   a specified probability.

   Since version 7.
   [sigma_ydot, sigma_d] = RelativeVelocityError( alt, D, t, p, sigma_x, rho_xydot, body );

   alt        (1)      Altitude of the orbit [km]
   D          (1)      Deadband in the along-track axis
   t          (1)      Time horizon [orbits]
   p          (1)      Probability that the deadband will NOT be reached
   sigma_x   (1,m)     Standard deviation of relative navigation 
                          radial position error
   rho_xydot (1,n)     Correlation coefficient
   body       (:)      String name of moon or planet ('earth' is default)

   sigma_ydot (m,n)    Maximum standard deviation of the relative navigation
                          along-track velocity error
   sigma_d     (1)     Maximum standard deviation of the along-track drift rate



Common: Database/Constant
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
FormationFlying: Analysis/FindDriftTerm