
  Worst-case differential accelerations for spacecraft in formation.
  Assumes fixed maximum and minimum area differences, which could in
  practice be different for drag and solar pressure based on mission
  attitude profiles.
  The relative accelerations are due to :
  1) Earth's Gravitational potential (geopotential)
  2) Atmospheric drag
  3) Sun 
  4) Moon
  4) Solar radiation pressure
  5) Linearization of equations of motion

   Since version 7.
  [aDiff, aTerms] = WorstCasePerturbations( h, dR, mSC, Cd, Cr );
  h         (1)  altitude of (circular) orbit (km)
  dR        (1)  distance between the spacecraft (km)
  mSC       (1)  spacecraft mass (kg)
  Cd        (1)  drag coefficient
  Cr        (1)  reflectivity of s/c: 0.0 for translucent; 1.0 for black-body; 
                  2.0 for flat mirror 

  aDiff   (3,2)  sum of all the terms (m/s/s)
  aTerms    (.)  data structure containing the individual differential
            - J2     (3,1)  earth's oblateness  
            - drag   (3,1)  drag
            - sun    (3,1)  effect of sun
            - moon   (3,1)  effect of moon  
            - solar  (3,1)  solar radiation
            - linear (3,1)  linearization approximation error
  Copyright (c) 2004 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. 
  All rights reserved.


AeroUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmDens2
Common: Database/Constant