
% Finds products of fusion reactions. D-D, D-T, p-B11 and D-He3 are
 included. D-D includes both D-D paths and a D-T reaction so the 
 overall reaction is:

 5D -> He3 + H + He4 + 2n

 D-He3 does not include any D-D reactions.

 You can also enter D, Dn or D, Dp to get the two deuterium paths.

 The exhaust velocity is based on charged particles only and complete

 Type FusionReaction for a demo.

   x = FusionReaction( r1, r2 )

   r1       (1,:) Reactant name ('D','T','He3','B11','Li6','He4')
   r2       (1,:) Reactant name ('D','T','He3','B11','Li6','He4')

   x             (:)  Data structure
                        .particle    (:,:) names of particles
                        .energy      (:,:) energies of particles (MeV)
                        .mass        (:,:) mass of each particle
                        .uE          (:,:) maximum exhaust velocity
                        .totalEnergy (1,1) total energy released (MeV)
                        .totalMass   (1,1) total mass of the products
                        .massNeutrons(1,1) total mass of the neutrons
                        .charge      (1,:) charge of each product
                        .ions        (1,:) index to the ions
                        .neutrons    (1,:) index to the neutrons
                        .particle    (:,:) names of particles
                        .mass        (:,:) mass of each particle
                        .charge      (1,:) charge of each product



FusionPropulsion: PlasmaPhysics/PlasmaConstant
FusionPropulsion: PlasmaPhysics/ReactionString
Propulsion: Electric/AtomicMass