
   Compute neutron shield thickness.
   It uses the thickness for 10% neutron attenuation.
   The 10% number comes from detailed analyses of neutron/shield 
   interaction and varies with the shield material. The default is 0.31
   and is based on a lithium hydride shield.

   The curve fit is not perfect. At attenuation levels of 1 (i.e. no
   shielding) you will get a finite thickness.
   t = NeutronShieldThickness( f, rW, lambda )

   f      (1,:)  Attenuation (Shielded flux/unshielded flux)
   rW     (1,1)  Wall radius (m)
   lambda (1,1)  Shield thickness for a 10 fold reduction (m)

   t      (1,1)  Total wall thickness (m)

   Reference: Santarius, J.F. and B.G. Logan, "Generic Magnetic Fusion
              Rocket", UWFDM-914, University of Wisconsin,  February 1998.


Common: Graphics/Plot2D