Path: Imaging/ImageMatching
% Canny edge detector. Sigma and eps are parameters for the Gaussian derivative. thresh is a noise threshold for the direction calculation. This prevents directions appearing for very small values of the derivative. Since version 8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: CannyEnhancer; [eS, eO] = CannyEnhancer( i ) [eS, eO] = CannyEnhancer( i, sigma ) [eS, eO] = CannyEnhancer( i, sigma, eps ) [eS, eO] = CannyEnhancer( i, sigma, eps, thresh ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ i (n,m) Grayscale sigma (1,1) Standard deviation eps (1,1) Epsilon thresh (1,1) Fraction of max derivative to set to zero ------- Outputs ------- eS (:,:) Edge strength eO (:,:) Orientation of the edge normal -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference: Trucco, E. and A. Verri, "Introductory Techniques for 3-D Computer Vision, Prentice-Hall, 1998, p. 76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Imaging: ImageMatching/GaussianDerivative Imaging: ImageProcessing/Imager Imaging: Utilities/ReadImage
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