Path: Link/Coverage
% Generate dynamical plots of antenna patterns. This function will animate ground patterns on a 2D and 3D map of any planet. Each antenna has a boresight rotation matrix that aligns the boresight then a list of azimuth and elevation points defining the boundary. Each list has a dB level associated with it and there may be multiple lists per antenna. az must range from 0 to 2*pi. Each antenna beam is a different color with different shades per dB level. The output is a set of patterns per antenna. Each pattern is the latitude and longitude of the beam edge. Each lat and lon entry is one row per time step. The d.antenna(k).b matrix rotates a vector from the z-axis to the desired direction in the body frame. Azimuth is from the +x axis and elevation from the xy-plane. x, y, z are defined in the body frame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: swath = GenerateSwath( d, r, q, t ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (1,1) Parameters .planet (1,:) Name of planet .antenna (:) .b (3,3) Boresight rotation matrix .pattern (:) Pattern per dB level .dB (1,1) Decibel level .az (1,:) Azimuth (rad) .co (1,:) Coelevation (rad) r (3,:) Planet fixed position vector (km) q (4,:) Planet fixed to body quaternion [q_s;q_x;q_y;q_z] t (1,:) Time (sec) ------- Outputs ------- swath (:) One element per antenna .lat (n,1) Latitude of beam center (rad) .lon (n,1) Longitude of beam center (rad) .pattern (:) One entry per pattern .lat (n,:) Latitude (rad) .lon (n,:) Longitude (rad) .dB (n,1) dB level --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: Coord/AzCoElToU AerospaceUtils: Coord/QLVLH AerospaceUtils: Coord/R2LatLon Common: Database/Constant Common: Graphics/Map Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Quaternion/QTForm Common: Transform/Eul2Mat Math: Geometry/IntersectLineAndEllipsoid SC: BasicOrbit/Period SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
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