
Path: Link/LinkDesign

% Performs a link analysis for a satellite. 
   The routine will automatically propagate for a full earth rate/orbit cycle 
   starting at the JD in the orbit data structure.

   Keplerian orbit kinematics are assumed.

   You can run a demo by typing LinkAnalysisTool.
   [gOverT, cOverN0, lRain, lFS, lA] = LinkAnalysisTool( spaceLink, groundLink, orbit )

   spaceLink     (1,1)    Space link data structure
                          .theta3DB                    (1,1) 3 dB antenna angle (deg)
                          .fIllumination               (1,1) Illumination factor (deg)
                          .effTransmit                 (1,1) Transmit efficiency;  
                          .powerTransmit               (1,1) Transmit power (W)
                          .lossEdge                    (1,1) Edge loss (dB)
                          .lossTransmitterFeed         (1,1) Feed loss (dB)
                          .frequency                   (1,1) Transmit frequency (GHz)
                          .diameterAperture            (1,1) Aperture diameter (m)
                          .thetaDepointing             (1,1) Pointing error (deg)
   groundLink    (1,1)    Ground link data structure
                          .latitude                    (1,1) Latitude (deg)
                          .longitude                   (1,1) Longitude (deg)
                          .altitude                    (1,1) Altitude (km)
                          .horizonAngle                (1,1) Minimum angle above the horizon
                          .antenna.type                (1,:) Antenna type
                          .antenna.area                (1,1) Antenna area (m^2)
                          .tGround                     (1,1) Ambient ground temperature (deg-K)
                          .tAttenuatorAmbient          (1,1) Ambient attenuator temperature (deg-K)
                          .lossAttenuator              (1,1) Attenuator loss (dB)
                          .lossFeeder                  (1,1) Feeder loss (dB)
                          .climateZone                 (1,1) Climate zone (a-q)
                          .precipitationFractionOfTime (1,1) Fraction of time with precipitation
                          .polarizationTiltAngle       (1,1) Polarization tilt angle (deg)
   orbit         (1,1)    Orbit data structure
                          .el (1,6)  [a i w W e M] [(km) (rad) (rad) (rad) () (rad)]
                          .jD (1,1)  Epoch (Julian Days)
                          .t  (1,:)  Time (sec) from epoch

   gOverT        (1,:)     g/T (dB)
   cOverN0       (1,:)     c/N0 (dB)
   lRain         (1,:)     Rain loss (dB)
   lA            (1,:)     Atmospheric gas loss (dB)
   lFS           (1,:)     Free space loss (dB)



AerospaceUtils: Coord/HorizonAngle
AerospaceUtils: Coord/LatLonAltToEF
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Time/DateStringToJD
Common: Time/JD2T
Link: LinkUtilities/DBSignal
Link: RF/Beamwidth3dB
Link: RF/Gain3dB
Link: RF/LossAtmosphericGas
Link: RF/LossDepointing
Link: RF/LossFreeSpace
Link: RF/LossPrecipitation
Link: RF/TAntennaGround
Link: RF/TAttenuator
Link: RF/TReceiver
Link: RF/TSky
Math: Linear/Mag
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Ephem/TruEarth

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