
Path: Link/LinkDesign

% Performs a link budget for a satellite.

   You can either enter the elevation (horizon) angle or enter
   the latitude, longitude and altitude of the ground station and the
   earth-fixed satellite position vector. You can also either enter the
   ground station G/T or ground station antenna, noise temperature and

   If you want to compute rain losses you must enter the ground station
   information and the climate zone. See RainLoss.m for more details.

   Important outputs are:

   C/N     is the carrier to noise ratio for the desired bandwidth
   C/No    is the carrier to noise ratio
   EIRP    is the Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power for the transmitter
           which is the figure of merit for a transmitter
   Eb/No   is similar to C/N only it is for the input bitrate

   Required Eb/No is an input and based on the specificiation of your
   communications system. LinkBudget computes the bit error rate which 
   should be low if you have some margin over the required Eb/No.

   All inputs and outputs are in data structures.

   If the optional fileName is entered it will generate a latex table in
   a file fileName.tex that can be \input(fileName.tex) into any latex

   Type LinkBudget for a demo.

   Since version 10.
   dOut = LinkBudget( dIn, fileName )

   dIn	(1,1)    Input data structure
                .transmitterPower        (1,1) Transmit power (W)
                .feedLoss                (1,1) Feed loss (dB)
                .transmitAntennaDiameter (1,1) Diameter (m)
                .transmitAntennaEff      (1,1) Aperture efficiency
                .transmitAntennaType     (1,:) 'circular aperture' or
                .pathLength              (1,1) Range (km)
                .frequency               (1,1) Frequency (GHz)
                .requiredEbOverNo        (1,1) Required Eb/No (dB)
                .channelBandwidth        (1,1) Bandwidth (MHz)
                .bitRate                 (1,1) Bit rate (Mbits/s)
                .fIllumination           (1,1) Illumination angle (deg)
                .pointingError           (1,1) Pointing error (deg)
                .psi                     (1,1) Polarization angle error (deg)
                .elevationAngle          (1,1) Elevation from ground
                                               plane (deg)
                .modulation              (1,:) Modulation type see BEP

                Either enter this or the receive antenna gain and

                .receiveSystemGT         (1,1) G/T for receiver

                Or these

                .tAttenuatorAmbient      (1,1) Ambient attenuator
                                               temperature (deg-K)
                .lossAttenuator          (1,1) Attenuator loss (dB)
                .tGround                 (1,1) Ground temperature (deg-K)
                .feedLossGround          (1,1) Feed loss (dB)
                .tAttenuatorAmbient      (1,1) Ambient temperature (deg-K)

                For the receive antenna gain use these

                .receiveAntennaDiameter  (1,1) Diameter (m)
                .receiveAntennaEff       (1,1) Aperture efficiency
                .receiveAntennaType      (1,:) 'circular aperture' or
                .receiveAntennaGain      (1,1) Gain (dB)

                Optional Fields for rain losses

                .climateZone             (1,1) Letter for zone A-H
                .precipitationFract      (1,1) Time with rain
                .latitude                (1,1) Station latitude (deg)
                .longitude               (1,1) Station longitude (deg)
                .altitude                (1,1) Station altitude (deg)
                .rEF                     (3,1) EF position (km)

   fileName      (1,:)    Filename for .tex file

   dOut          (1,1) 
                .transmitterPower	(1,1) Power (W)
                .feedLoss        	(1,1) Loss (dB)
                .pathLoss          (1,1) Loss (dB)
                .frequency         (1,1) Frequency (GHz)
                .pathLength        (1,1) Path length (km)
                .antennaGain       (1,1) Transmit antenna gain (dB)
                .EIRP              (1,1) Equivalent Isotropic Radiated
                                         Power (dB/K)
                .requiredEbOverNo 	(1,1) Received Eb/No (dB)
                .channelBandwidth	(1,1) Bandwidth (dB-Hz)
                .bitRate           (1,1) Bit Rate (dB-Mb/s)
                .boltzmannConstant	(1,1) Boltzmann's Constant (dB)
                .absorptionLoss    (1,1) Loss (dB)
                .polarizationLoss	(1,1) Loss (dB)
                .rainLoss          (1,1) Loss (dB)
                .receiveSystemGT 	(1,1) G/T (dB)
                .pointingLoss      (1,1) Loss (dB)
                .receivedPower     (1,1) Power (dBW)
                .receivedCNo       (1,1) C/No (dB-Hz)
                .receivedCN        (1,1) C/N  (dB-Hz)
                .receivedEbNo      (1,1) Received Eb/No (dB)
                .margin            (1,1) Link margin (dB)



AerospaceUtils: Coord/HorizonAngle
AerospaceUtils: Coord/LatLonAltToEF
Common: General/CreateLatexTable
Link: LinkUtilities/BEP
Link: LinkUtilities/DBSignal
Link: RF/AntennaGain
Link: RF/Beamwidth3dB
Link: RF/LossAtmosphericGas
Link: RF/LossDepointing
Link: RF/LossFreeSpace
Link: RF/LossPolarization
Link: RF/LossPrecipitation
Link: RF/TAntennaGround
Link: RF/TAttenuator
Link: RF/TReceiver
Link: RF/TSky

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