
Path: Link/Radar

% Solves the radar equation. Can compute range or power. This function assumes
   that the losses are not functions of wavelength and that the target area is
   a flat plate. Lambda is a scalar. The radar is assumed to be monostatic.
   Has a built in demo and will plot if no arguments are specified.

   There are several options. You can enter an RCS data structure or use the
   RCS as d.sigma. You can enter receive and transmit antenna gains or aperture

   This function is a wrapper for RadarEquationPulse.
   y = RadarEquation( solveFor, d, lambda )

   solveFor      (1,:)    'range' or 'power'
   d             (1,1)    Parameters
                          .r      (1,:) Range (m)
                          .pT     (1,:) Transmit power
                          .rCS    (1,1) Target crossection data structure
                                        .type   (1,:) Crossection type
                                        .lambda (1,:) Wavelength
                                        .d      (1,1) Data structure
                          .a      (1,1) Aperture area
                          .f      (1,1) Receiver loss (dB)
                          .etaA   (1,1) Aperture efficiency
                          .b      (1,1) Bandwidth
                          .nL     (1,1) Number of pulsewidths
                          .lI     (1,1) Pulse integration loss (dB)
                          .lS     (1,1) System loss (dB)
                          .lA     (1,1) Propagation path losses (dB)
                          .sI     (1,1) Signal to interference ratio (dB)
   lambda        (1,:)    Wavelength

   y             (:,:)    Power or range



Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Link: RF/TPlanet
Link: Radar/RadarEquationPulse

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