% Build the CAD model of the Asteroid Prospector spacecraft.
This demo illustrates the construction of a comprehensive spacecraft
capable of visiting asteroids and performing geology tasks using a pair
of robot arms. The thruster layout is previously saved in
See also BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent, CreateReport,
ExportOBJ, ICONS, PanelFrame, ThrusterPatch, XenonTank, Constant,
FileFullpath, ShapedStrut, Date2JD, Product, AddRobotArm,
AeroUtils: CAD/BuildCADModel
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateBody
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateComponent
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateReport
AeroUtils: CAD/ExportOBJ
AeroUtils: ComponentModels/ICONS
AeroUtils: ComponentModels/PanelFrame
AeroUtils: ComponentModels/ThrusterPatch
AeroUtils: ComponentModels/XenonTank
Common: Database/Constant
Common: FileUtils/FileFullpath
Common: Graphics/ShapedStrut
Common: Time/Date2JD
Math: Linear/Product
SCPro: Systems/AddRobotArm