
Path: Orbit/OrbitManeuver

% Computes the delta-V for reentry from a near-circular orbit.
   You must select the entry interface radius, rEI and c! and c2 which are
   the LTVCON (Linear Terminal Velocity Constraint) constants such that

   vR = c1 + c2*vH
   where vR is the radial velocity and vH is the horizontal velocity

   Since version 8.
   dV = DVReentry( a, e, rEI, c1, c2, mu )

   a               (1,1) Semi-major axis of initial orbit
   e               (1,1) Eccentricity of the initial orbit
   rEI             (1,1) Radius of entry interface
   c1              (1,1) LTVCON 1
   c2              (1,1) LTVCON 2
   mu              (1,1) Gravitational constant

   dV              (1,1) Required velocity change

   Reference: Bond, V. R. and M. C. Allman, "Modern Astrodynamics,"
              Princeton, 1996, pp. 103-107.


Common: Graphics/Plot2D

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