Path: Orbit/Interplanetary
% Computes the heliocentric orbital elements after an Earth escape spiral. Performs a simulation of the spiral out from Earth using ode113 and FCRTBPRHS, and stops once the sun gravity acceleration dominates that of Earth. Since version 2014.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [elHelio, rSEMI, vSEMI, t1, mass] = EarthOrbToHelioOrb( jD0, elEarth, SCParams) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ jD0 (1,:) Julian Date elEarth (1,6) Initial orbital elements in the ECI frame SCParams (.) Design parameters for the spacecraft .mass0 Mass (kg) .thrust Thrust (kN) .Isp Specific impulse (sec) .uE Exhaust velocity (km/s) ------- Outputs ------- elHelio (:,6) Orbital elements in the heliocentric frame rSEMI (3,:) Position vector in the heliocentric frame vSEMI (3,:) Velocity vector in the heliocentric frame t1 (1,:) Time vector -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also SunEarthMoonSystemConstants, TransformECIToSEMR, CRTBPRHS, FCRTBPRHS, LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn, SEMRToSEMI --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Time/Date2JD Math: Linear/Unit Orbit: OrbitCoord/SEMRToSEMI Orbit: OrbitCoord/TransformECIToSEMR Orbit: OrbitData/SunEarthMoonSystemConstants Orbit: ThreeBody/CRTBPRHS Orbit: ThreeBody/FCRTBPRHS Orbit: ThreeBody/LowThrustCRTBP_StopFcn SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El
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