Path: Orbit/OrbitPropagator
% Computes the engine force vector in the ECI frame. The input is in the LVLH frame. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: x = FEngine( action, modifier, u, t ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (1,:) Action 'initialize', 'update' modifier (1,:) Modifier to the action or data structure if initialization u (7,1) [r;v;m] t (1,1) Time ------- Outputs ------- x (1,1) The tag if action is 'initialize' If the action is update x.f (3,1) Force vector in the ECI frame x.mDot (1,1) Mass derivative --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: Help/HelpSystem AerospaceUtils: Coord/QLVLH Common: General/CloseFigure Common: Quaternion/QTForm Orbit: OrbitPropagator/PropagateOrbitPlugIn
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