Multispacecraft orbit model designed to work with ode113.
You can include aerodynamic, radiation pressure and thrust models. Sun,
earth, and moon perturbations are computed if the planet (Earth or
Moon) is given. Uses SunV1 and MoonV1 for ephemeris. Specify the
atmospheric density model (for example: AtmJ70ToGround, AtmDens2) in
the data structure
Since version 8.
xDot = FOrbitMultiSpacecraft( t, x, d )
t Time
x (7*n,1) The state vector [r1;v1;m1;r2;v2;m2;...]
d (1,1) Data structure
.jD0 (1,1) Julian date at start
This is only needed for planetary disturbances
and if a gravity model is entered
.planet (1,:) Planet name
These are optional
.thrustModel (1,:) Thrust function handle
.thrustData (n) Data structures for thrust model
.radiationPressureModel (1,:) Radiation pressure function handle
.radiationPressureData (n) Radiation pressure data
.aeroModel (1,:) Aero function handle
.aeroData (n) Aero data structure
.gravityModel (1,1) See AGravityCStruct
The following ais only needed if you don't have a gravity model
.mu (1,1) Gravitational parameter
The following are only needed if you have an aero model
.atmModel (1,:) Atmospheric model function handle
.atm.aP (1,1) Geomagnetic index 6.7 hours before the computation
.atm.f (1,1) Daily 10.7 cm solar flux (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec)
.atm.fHat (1,1) 81-day mean of f (e-22 watts/m^2/cycle/sec)
.atm.fHat400 (1,1) fHat 400 days before computation date
xDot (7*n,1) The state vector derivative [v1;r1Dot;m1Dot...]
Math: Linear/Mag
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/AGravityC
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/PlanetaryAccelerations
SC: BasicOrbit/FOrbCart
SC: Ephem/ECIToPlanet
SC: Ephem/Eclipse
SC: Ephem/SunV1