Path: Orbit/OrbitCoord
% Computes the transformation matrix from heliocentric to planet fixed frame. Includes all of the planets and many of the moons. Returns the identity matrix if the moon is unknown. For the Earth's moon it returns the true rotation matrix. See also CEcl2Eq, ECIToPlanet Since version 2014.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: c = HelioToPlanet( jD, planet, kEarth ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ jD (1,1) Julian date planet (1,:) Name of the planet kEarth (1,1) If 0 use TruEarth, if 1 is TruEarth with eofe ------- Outputs ------- c (3,3) Matrix from heliocentric to planet fixed --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Time/Date2JD SC: Ephem/CEcl2Eq SC: Ephem/ECIToPlanet
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