
Path: Orbit/OrbitControl

% Creates a linear quadratic relative orbit controller.
 Assumes full state feedback. This means that relative position and velocity
 must be available as measurements. This would be the case with GPS.

 The controller has control along x and y. No control is available along
 the radial direction. 

 If aD or x0 are entered it will run a simulation.
 The plant model is found in LinOrb.m.

 The gain produces a control in units km/sec^2. To convert to N
 multiply k by 1000*mass.

 To run an demo without control enter q as a zero matrix.
   k = LQOrbitController( x, q, r, dT, aD, mu )

   x                (6,1) State [x;y;z;dX;dY;dZ]
   q                (6,6) State cost matrix
   r                (3,1) Control cost matrix
   dT               (1,1) Time step
   aD               (3,1) Disturbance acceleration vector
   mu               (1,1) Gravitational parameter (default is earth)

   k                (2,6) Gain matrix [in track; out of track]

  See also C2DZOH, LinOrb


Common: Control/C2DZOH
Common: Control/DQCR
Common: Database/Constant
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Orbit: RHSOrbit/LinOrb
SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV
SC: BasicOrbit/Period

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