Path: Orbit/OrbitMechanics

% Convert NORAD to Keplerian elements.
   s can be a file name or a string input. The string must have the
   same format as the file for example:

   s = [sprintf('SGPTest \n'),...
   sprintf('1 88888U          80275.98708465  .00073094  13844-3  66816-4 0     8\n'),...
   sprintf('2 88888  72.8435 115.9689 0086731  52.6988  110.5714 16.05824518  105')];

   A file may contain multiple sets of elements.

   [el, name] = NORADToEl( jDStart, jDEnd, nPts, model, s )

   dStart        (1,1)   Days from Epoch of start
   dEnd          (1,1)   Days from Epoch of end
   nPts          (1,1)   Number of points
   model         (1,:)   Model type 'SGP', 'SGP4', 'SDP4', 'SGP8', 'SGD8'
   s             (1,:)   File name or string containing the two line elements
                           * includes demo

   el            (:,6)   Elements vector [a,i,W,w,e,M]
   name          {:}     Satellite name



Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/NORAD
Orbit: OrbitMechanics/RVOrbGen
SC: BasicOrbit/RV2El

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