Path: Orbit/GravityModels
% Process an ascii file of spherical harmonic coefficients. The coefficients are unnormalized. A preprocessed version of jgl075g1.sha is available in LunarGravityModel.mat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: gravityModel = ProcessASCIIGravityModel( fileName ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ fileName (1,:) fileName ------- Outputs ------- gravityModel (.) Data structure .name (1,:) Model name .mu (1,1) Gravitational constant (km^3/sec^2) .a (1,1) Model earth radius (km) .c (n,n) Cosine coefficients .s (n,n) Sine coefficients .j (1,n) Zonal harmonics .nZ (1,1) Number of Zonal harmonics .nT (1,n) Number of Tesseral harmonics .isNormalized (1,1) Boolean --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Linear/Factorl
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