-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Computes the thrust and exhaust velocity of an H2 rocket. Thrust is per unit area. Type RocketH2 for a demo. qR must be the energy per unit mass of fuel + oxygen. Since version 8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [thrust, uEQ] = RocketH2( p0, pA, aStar, aE, qR, gamma, f ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ p0 (1,1) Combustion pressure (N/m^2) pA (1,:) Exhaust pressure (N/m^2) aStar (1,1) Throat area (m^2) aE (1,1) Exit area (m^2) qR (1,1) Energy fuel (J/kg) gamma (1,1) Ratio of specific heats f (1,1) H2/O2 ratio (2 = stoichiometric) throttle (1,1) throttle value (0 < throttle < 1) ------- Outputs ------- thrust (1,:) Thrust (N) uEQ (1,:) Exhaust velocity (m/s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: Graphics/Plot2D Propulsion: Rocket/UEQR