
% Demonstrate gimballed boom control.
   This demo uses the PlateWithBoom CAD model. The gimbals have a 
   1-2 sequence, first around the X axis and then around the Y axis. 
   The control law is designed using PIDMIMO. There is no roll 
   actuation and therefore the attitude trajectory must use 
   only Y and Z torques.

   The attitude dynamics assume fixed gimbal rates. 
   The CAD model is a perfectly specular plate with a control boom.

   Functions demonstrated:

   Since version 7.
  See also BoomActuation, which rotates the gimbals without following   a 
  specific control law., AC, ACPlot, CrossSection, DrawSCPlanPlugIn, 
  PIDMIMO, QForm, QMult, QPose, QTForm, Constant, WaitBarManager, Plot2D, 
  TimeLabl, Mag, RK4, Unit, JD2000, El2RV, Accel, GimbalRates, 
  HGimballedBoom, ConeClockToQConstrained, QSail, QToConeClock, 
  HingeRotationMatrix, ProfileStruct, SailDisturbance, SailEnvironment
	Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. 
   All rights reserved.


AeroUtils: CAD/CrossSection
AeroUtils: CAD/DrawSCPlanPlugIn
Common: Control/PIDMIMO
Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/WaitBarManager
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
Common: Time/JD2000
Math: Integration/RK4
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit
OrbitMiniToolbox: Support/El2RV
Sail: Actuator/GimbalRates
Sail: AttitudeDynamics/HGimballedBoom
Sail: Coordinates/ConeClockToQConstrained
Sail: Coordinates/QSail
Sail: Coordinates/QToConeClock
Sail: Disturbances/HingeRotationMatrix
Sail: Disturbances/ProfileStruct
Sail: Disturbances/SailDisturbance
Sail: Disturbances/SailEnvironment