
% CAD model of the Cosmos-1 solar sail.
   Includes a separate body for each vane so they may be independently
   rotated. Each vane is a simple triangle.

   Since version 7.
  See also BuildCADModel, CreateBody, CreateComponent, DrawSCPlanPlugIn, 
  ExportCAD, Eul2Mat, FindDirectory, SaveStructure, Centroid, CosD, SinD, 
   Copyright (c) 2007 Princeton Satellite Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


AeroUtils: CAD/BuildCADModel
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateBody
AeroUtils: CAD/CreateComponent
AeroUtils: CAD/DrawSCPlanPlugIn
AeroUtils: CAD/ExportCAD
Common: FileUtils/FindDirectory
Common: General/SaveStructure
Common: Graphics/Centroid
Common: Transform/Eul2Mat
Math: Linear/Unit
Math: Trigonometry/CosD
Math: Trigonometry/SinD