Draw cone and clock angles in 3D using translucent patches in a new figure.
Also draws the reference plane. Does not draw the sail itself.
The reference frame is first rotated about +X by the clock angle and then
the cone angle is achieved by rotating about the new Z axis.
The cone angle is drawn with a rad patch and the clock angle in green.
Since version 7.
DrawSailAngles( uSun, r, v, c, cone, clock )
DrawSailAngles( uSun, q, cone, clock )
uSun (3,1) Sun ephemeris unit vector (TO sun)
r (3,1) Position vector (optional)
v (3,1) Velocity vector
c (1,1) Sign convention
cone (1,1) Cone angle, radians (incidence to sun)
clock (1,1) Clock angle, radians (azimuth from y)
See also QSail.
Common: Graphics/AnglePatch
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
Common: Transform/Eul2Mat
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Dot
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit
Sail: Coordinates/QSail
Sail: Graphics/DrawCircularPlane
Sail: Graphics/SailDefaultColors