
   Draw cone and clock angles using one color per frame.

   The normal is assumed along +X. Cone is a co-elevation angle measured from 
   the +X axis. Clock is measured from the Y axis to the projection of the 
   normal on the Y-Z plane.

   The reference frame is first rotated about +X by the clock angle and then
   the cone angle is achieved by rotating about the new Z axis. The is
   visualized using translucent angle arcs.

   The quaternion defines the inertial to reference frame quaternion. By 
   including this transformation additional inertial vectors can be added
   to the plot.

   Since version 7.
   DrawSailFrames( qIToS, cone, clock )

   qIToS    (4,1)     Quaternion from inertial to reference frame
   cone     (1,1)     Cone angle (coelevation from X)
   clock    (1,1)     Clock angle (azimuth from reference Y)




Common: Graphics/AddAxes
Common: Graphics/AnglePatch
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat
Common: Quaternion/QTForm
Common: Quaternion/QZero
Common: Transform/Eul2Mat
Sail: Graphics/SailDefaultColors