Sail dynamics with Earth and Moon gravity.
Includes a point mass sun model. Uses MoonV1 and SunV1 for ephemeris.
Designed to be called by ode113. See also EarthMoonSunSim.
Since version 7.
varargout = FSailEarthMoon( t, x, flag, d )
t Time (sec)
x (:,1) The state vector [r;v]
d (1,1) Data structure
.mass (1,1) Mass
.force (3,1) External force
.earth (1,1)
.mu (1.1) Gravitational potential
.nZ (1.1) Number of zonal harmonics
.nT (1.1) Number of tesseral harmonics
.s (:,:) S terms
.c (:,:) C terms
.j (:) m = 0 terms
.a (1.1) Planet radius
.moon (1,1)
.mu (1.1) Gravitational potential
.nZ (1.1) Number of zonal harmonics
.nT (1.1) Number of tesseral harmonics
.s (:,:) S terms
.c (:,:) C terms
.j (1,:) m = 0 terms
.a (1.1) Planet radius
.jDStart (1,1) Initial Julian date
.muSun (1,1) Sun gravitational parameter
.accel (1,1) Sail characteristic acceleration (km/s2)
.theta (1,1) Sail pitch angle
vargout (:,:) Depends on flag
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/Unit
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Ephem/MoonV1
SC: Ephem/SunV1